Driver Rehab Programme

Programme Goal

To adopt a behavioural change approach by educating drivers in traffic laws and safe driving best practices and reduce the risk of reoffending by those seeking to have their Driver’s Permit reissued by the Licensing Authority of Trinidad and Tobago.

Programme Objectives

Participants will be able to acquire the following from attending our Authorised Driver Rehabilitation Programme:

  • An understanding of the MOWT New Fixed Penalty System in accordance with Act No.9 of 2017
  • An appreciation why change in behaviour of the recidivist driver is important for the safety of all roadway users
  • Skills and knowledge to be a safer, defensive driver on the nation’s roadways
  • Recognition of the various hazards that exist in the driving environment and react to prevent collisions
  • Comprehension of the risks of poor judgement while in charge of or driving a motor-vehicle including but not limited to speed choice vehicle road worthiness, and distracted/impaired driving
  • An understanding of the importance of the various traffic management systems and Regulations in place in Trinidad and Tobago

Programme Course Modules

Training and Logistics’ Driver Rehabilitation Programme comprises of Seven (7) Course Modules:

  1. Pre-Course Participant Knowledge and Attitudinal Assessment
  2. My Role in Road Safety
  3. Understanding the MOWT New Fixed Penalty System and the Demerit Point System
  4. Seatbelts & Occupant Restraint Systems
  5. The Dangers of Improper Vehicle Speed and Lane Control
  6. Distracted Driving Risk and Consequences
  7. Dangers of Impaired Driving: Alcohol, Drugs, Fatigue
  8. Driving Safely at Intersections:, Traffic Lights, Roundabouts, Traffic Signs & Lines
  9. Post Course Participant Evaluation


16 Contact Hours
(2 Days)


In Person
(Classroom or Virtual Sessions)


Contact Us
(868) 679-1419

Certificates will be issued to participants upon successful completion of the course. This must be presented to the Traffic Enforcement Centre at Licensing for verification.